Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Dr Eamon Kelly, President of ICMHD

Director of Academic Programs, Payson Centre for International Development and Technology Transfer, Tulane University USA and former Chairman of the Board of the National Science Foundation

Dr Mohamed-Lardi ABDELMOUMENE, Vice President of ICMHD

Former Deputy Director General of WHO and UNWRA, and former Minister of Health of Algeria

Profesor Monique Bègin, Treasurer of ICMHD

Professor of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, former Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Canada, Member of WHO Global Commission on Social Determinants of Health

Dr Manuel Carballo, Executive Director of ICMHD

Former Chief of Social and Behavioral Research, Global Progam on AIDS, former Public Health Advisor Bosnia and Herzegovina, Professor of Clinical Public Health at the Columbia School of Public Health

ICMHD Mission Statement

The International Centre for Migration Health and Development is a Swiss-based non-profit institution that was established in 1995. Its mandate is to work on research, training and policy advocacy in all areas related to migration and health.

ICMHD believes the right to health applies to all people, including migrants, refugees, and all other people who find themselves on the move for political, economic, or environmental reasons.

ICMHD's work is predicated on the belief that by protecting the health and welfare of people on the move, the public health, social development, and human security of the larger society is also enhanced.

ICMHD brings to the challenge of migration and health a broad body of multi-disciplinary experience in public health, medicine, social sciences, law, medical geography, health economics and political science.

ICMHD works with a wide range of donors and institutions from the public and private sectors, and seeks to show how all partners and stakeholders can and should come together around the health and welfare concerns raised by forced and voluntary migration.